29 November 2024
We are happy to share the great news about the introduction of a special 5-year Visa from Thailand Privilege Card with a price of only 650,000 Baht.
The visa will be available from December 15, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
The main difference between this Visa and the Gold Visa (5-year visa with price 900,000 baht), aside to its price, this visa includes only the basic privileges of the club such as:
- Personal assistant at the airport, fast track,
- Opening Bank accounts
- and 24/7 Member service.
This Visa does not accumulate points like the other types of Visas (which can be spent by customer discretion). All additional privileges are for an additional fee.
Therefore, if you are interested in a "practical option" of a 5-year Visa with the possibility of comfortable living and easy traveling to Thailand, then this is exactly the case.
All other Visas also remain in operation. And if clients are interested in other offers with maximum privileges, then we have that too!
Click here
The Bronze membership can be upgraded up with more privileges and long-term options.
Contact us today:
German phone | +66 (0)82 469 5552 | marcel@gip.asia / matt@gip.asia |
English phone | +66 (0)82 469 5552 | marcel@gip.asia / matt@gip.asia |
French phone | +66 (0)82 469 5550 | matt@gip.asia |
16 November 2015
Stellen Sie sicher das Sie in hervorragende Immobilien investieren. Jeder Immobilienkaeufer sollte die folgende Punkte beachten, um sicher zu stellen, dass er ausschliesslich in excellente Immobilien investiert: 1.) Was wurde oder wird vermutli...
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