08 พ.ย. 2564
Thailand Reopening Quarantine-free
Here are some Information what you need to know regarding the re-opening of Thailand.
(Information as of 29th October 2021)
Travel by air from the approved countries
Fully-vaccinated travellers arriving from approved countries will be able to enjoy quarantine-free travel.

Thailand Pass QR Code,
which can be applied from 1 November, 2021.
Travellers arriving in Thailand can register on the Thailand Pass online system. The Thailand Pass is a web-based system that was developed to make the documentation process of travellers entering Thailand more efficient than applying for an certificate of entry. Just like the certificate of entry, it collects data for required entry forms, but what makes it better than the certificare of entry (COE) is that it collects both travel and health information such as vaccination certificates and makes it easy to submit entry on TM6 and T8 forms.
The Thailand Passport System takes into account the expected documents and other paperwork requirements imposed by the COVID-19. The aim of the new Thailand passport is to support the country's "Ease of Travel" system after reopening and for filling out information and uploading travel documents.

Other travel requirements are:
- A Medical Certificate with an RT-PCR lab result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected issued no more than 72 hours before travelling.
- A payment confirmation for no less than a 1-night stay upon arrival at the approved quarantine facilities (Alternative Quarantine – AQ, Organisation Quarantine – OQ, or Alternative Hospital Quarantine – AHQ), or SHA Plus-certified hotel.
- A Certificate of Vaccination (fully vaccinated).
- If tested negative for COVID-19, travellers can go anywhere in Thailand.
- An insurance policy, with coverage clearly identified as no less than US$50,000, which should cover the cost of the treatment and other medical expenses associated with being infected with COVID-19, including in-patient hospitalisation for the whole duration in Thailand. *Except for Thai citizens who are entitled to the national health insurance system.*
You can apply here >>>

Medical Insurance with minimum coverage of USD $50,000
- This requirement is meant for short-term travellers and tourists - not Long Stay visa holders.
OA Visa Applicants/Renewals
- OA visa holders still require the $100k medical insurance with Covid19 coverage included
- To further clarify, the 100,000 USD or 3 million Baht health insurance is required for new OA visa applicants from November 1st, 2021, new O-A applicants returning from abroad require 100,000 USD insurance coverage (including Covid 19). If you have an O-A visa with a renewal date before September 1, 2022, the requirement is inpatient coverage - 400,000 Baht and outpatient coverage - 40,000 Baht. After September 1, 2022, health insurance must meet the new requirements mentioned above.
O-X Visas
- O-X visa applicants returning from overseas require USD 100,000 including Covid 19 and outpatient coverage. If an OX visa needs to be extended, the insurance requirements remain in place for the time being (inpatient - 400,000 Baht and outpatient 40,000 Baht). There are no official changes yet, but the government plans to apply new requirements in the future.